Your story, Our story, Red Thread Stories


Playback is the art of listening deeply to each others’ stories and creating theatre in response. Playback develops spontaneity, confidence, leadership, listening and team work skills.


Be brave and let us design a training program or workshop for your organisation or community.

Commission a workshop


Our commissioned workshops use Playback Theatre, listening and responding exercises. Past workshops have been themed around:

  • Games for Group Engagement: Learn to use games for creating purposeful learning.
  • Listening “on Purpose”. Prevent conflict, build teams and working relationships. Listen deeply so people are heard and valued.
  • Creative Facilitation …Develop confidence to use creative, interactive processes.
  • Speak Up and Out
  • Engaging Everyone… particularly those whose stories are often not heard…youth, people with disabilities and mental health issues.
  • Say Yes! Improvisation and Playback skills.  Develop confidence, awareness, spontaneity, teamwork and listening skills so as to increase your effectiveness in dealing with the unexpected.

if you genuinely want to engage people in…

  • Team Development
  • Conferences
  • Event and Forum Facilitation
  • Community Development Programs
  • Strategic Planning

We can assist you to…

  • Acknowledge and validate people’s contribution to a project or activity
  • Increase team satisfaction
  • Create a culture of appreciation, learning and self reflection
  • Develop shared understanding of diversity
  • Create stronger working relationships and shared ownership of issues
  • Develop creative problem solving


Commissioned In-House Training and Mentoring Workshops can be fully tailored to meet your needs and objectives – so talk to us about how we can help you, your organisation or your clients.


We also offer public Playback workshops as part of our yearly training program.

Book in to a workshop


Or – please contact us or see our upcoming playback workshop  program or our posts for more information.


“Those who do not have the power over the story that dominates their lives, the power to retell it, rethink it, deconstruct it, joke about it, and change it as times change, truly are powerless, because they cannot think new thoughts.”

Salman Rushdie


Watch “Acting Up Acting Out”. A program we developed with for people “on the margins”…