Build your community
Create dialogue
Strengthen connections
Have fun
Include everyone
Bridge divisions
Red Thread Stories Playback Theatre is an antidote to todays increasing individualisation and isolation.
Need to feel connected?
Want to build social cohesion?
Work through difficult issues?
Engage people differently?
Whether you are a group of young parents wanting to share stories and laugh together, a group of people with disability wanting to include everyone or organising a conference where engagement is key Playback celebrates of the power of shared stories and interpersonal connection!
Contact Us to discuss how Playback can build your community
Red Thread Stories provide a safe, fun space for catharsis. Their crew is kind and approachable, their ideas are original and entertaining and the room was vibrant with joy from start to finish. Thank you! (Isabella Hall, Audience member Play for Life performance.
“It is a feeling of common human experiences and shared laughter or emotion as audience. I liken it to being amongst friends at play. Audience member, Play for Life performance.
“Playback theatre is a useful and entertaining vehicle for communicating community and personal concerns. Red Threaders so it beautifully – thank you” See Me Know Me: Meaningful Ageing Audience member.
“Red Thread opened up an accurate expression of our stories in drama and emotion, helping us make sense of hard chapters in our life.” Audience member, See Me Know Me, Meaningful Ageing
See Me Know Me Meaningful Ageing
Public performances
We also hold regular public performances in Brisbane. For more information about upcoming events, please contact us or see our news pages for updates.
“Playback Theatre requires us to step inside our own and other people’s stories and see things from different perspectives.”
“Telling someone about your experience breathes new life into it, moving it out of the inchoate swirl of unconsciousness into reality. It takes on form and allows us to examine it from all angles.”
– Mandy Aftel