What does it mean to have a voice? How has having a voice changed your life in big or small ways? At this time when the Referendum to enshrine a Voice to parliament is being considered for First Nations Australians, we want to explore more broadly what it means to have a voice. We will […]
Winter solstice is a time of renewal and rebirth. A time for slowing down so we can then warm up to something new. At our Red Thread Stories Playback Theatre performance we will ask you to consider these questions. How are you slowing down? What are you warming up to?Playback Theatre celebrates community and story. […]
Womenspace invited us to perform for them at Sandgate. Their theme honoured the need for deep listening in our community and the words of Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr who invites us to practise Dadirri …Inner Deep listening and Quiet still awareness. The stories told were of new connections beyond words, friendships and the difficulty of holding different […]
The perfect antidote to social isolation – it’s cathartic, connective, immersive, and fun! 2020 has been an astounding year – on global, communal, and individual levels. For some of us it may be a defining year in our lives – for others, one to move past and leave behind. What are the defining moments […]
Join us for online playback theatre performance where we explore defining moments in our life on November 22 4.00 in Brisbane (5.00 pm AEST). 2020 has been an astounding year – on global, communal, and individual levels. For some of us it may be a defining year in our lives – for others, one to move […]
We did it! Our family and friends enjoyed our first on line Playback performance. exploring the best and worst of times in 2020. We look forward to offering more online performances. Karin wrote “ It really was wonderful! What we really appreciated was that the use of digital technology didn’t get in the way […]
Audience comments our November performance at Ferny Grove High School. The skill of this troupe is evident in every composition as they create stage pictures which evoke emotional and intellectual responses. (Melissa Rouse) Red Thread Stories provide a safe, fun space for catharsis. Their crew is kind and approachable, their ideas are original and entertaining and […]
Meaningful Ageing Australia, in association with Red Thread Stories, presents: SEE ME. KNOW ME. A live exploration of ageing Thursday 22 August 2019, 1.30pm Grand Ballroom, Riverside Receptions 50 Oxlade Drive, New Farm 4005 As we age, some people only see lines and grey hair rather than the stories, feelings, beliefs and experiences […]
Our world is becoming increasingly polarised. Whether on a global scale or in our own communities, strong differences exist. How do we deal with those who are different to us and hold views different to our own? Do we move toward those who are different to us or away from them? Join us for an […]